Thursday, June 30, 2005


A mission team of forty students and their leaders arrived from Tennessee at the Teen Quest Ranch to have a part in reaching students for Christ.
The team spent the morning doing outreach ministry in Somerset and after lunch they stained the enitre outside of our Lodge. The Lodge is our main sleeping quarters for students and our meeting hall for evangelistic meetings. Teen Quest Ranch actitvities were opened for them to enjoy after the work was complete. They got to play paintball, ride horses, climb the rock wall, drive the go-carts, and boat in our lake. We thank them for their service for the kingdom.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Subscriptions Are Now Possible

Hello everyone.

I wanted to make sure that you enter your email in the box to the right. We now have added a subscription service that will email you every time this blog is updated!

This is truly breaking news as it happens.

By the way - email us some photos and short blips about your experience with Teen Quest. We would love to post them here on the blog site:

Here is the photo from this week at camp. I took this earlier today right after dinner. - Joel Witt

Living Like A Zombie

It's kind of weird.

Camp I mean.

A few weeks ago I could have told you the current events. I knew the verdict of the Michael Jackson trial, the latest word from Iraq, and other recent happenings.

Now all that has changed. We are in full swing at camp this summer. It makes me feel kind of like a zombie – not really apart of the “real world.” I couldn't tell you what's happening in the world if my life depended on it. I have no clue who won the NBA championship or how the Pirate's are doing. I haven't seen a weather report in weeks!

But who cares – right? I mean what other job in the country allows you to spend massive amounts of time with hundreds of screaming – crazy – intense – and awesome teenagers?

This week we have several youth groups from Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. Last night TQ kicked off the camp season with a huge camp meeting rally. Our camp speaker Bobby Larew shared Christ with everyone and students were invited to make a decision to follow Jesus.

Right now as I’m writing this the entire camp is at the Alpine Slide just minutes away from the camp.

Keep us in prayer – I know we have teens here who don’t know Christ. Also keep checking this blog for more updates. We are taking the main camp picture tonight and I’ll put it on here ASAP.

Email us and let us know you are praying:

See ya!Joel Witt

Program Director

Monday, June 20, 2005


For three years we have been trying to expand our facility by setting up a sewage treatment plant. This plant will enable us to add bathroom to the ranch thus expanding our facility dramatically. We have had so many setbacks during this process from agricultural to archeological challenges.

Just received a call from our sewage engineer. The little stream below the little pond at the ranch has been pre-approved for the sewage treatment plant outflow. This is a major blessing. I will be meeting with our engineer this week to discuss the details of the project. This project will take till the end of the year to design. We should break ground by next spring.

Our next big challenge is to raise about $120,000 in funds to pay for this project.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Summer Camp Staff in training

This week our new summer camp staff is in training at the Teen Quest Ranch. Joel Glovier, Morgan Smith, Jeremy O, Mike Oliver, Kendra Cyphert, our full time staff and a host of high school students will head up our summer leadership team. God has given us a great team.

Please pray for a life changing summer as we win, build and send hundreds of students for Christ. Pray that each staff member will be able to raise their own personal support and meet the needs of each student they work with.

We have never been more excited about our summer program. More to come

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Wood added to side of horse stable 6-11-05

Inside the stable - Boys working 6-11-05

Working on the Stable

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Landscaping at the Teen Quest Ranch


This week we have been blessed to have a group of men who are working at the ranch. They are cutting logs, moving heavy equipment, cutting grass and landscaping. (we found a bunch of evergreen trees at the lower corner of the ranch) These men will also be here all of next week.Try to come up to the ranch and see all the changes taking place.


Pray for our staff training that begins on the 15th of June. Our key summer staff will be in training at the Teen Quest Ranch.

Yours for youth, Mark Witt

Round Up Your Teenagers

Ok - maybe we didn't really round-up any teens but...

The Teen Quest Ranch hosted its fourth annual Round-Up this past Memorial Day weekend. We had tons of people show up to check out the Ranch, the new activities, and preview the coming camp season.

Some people came from as far away as Washington D.C. and as close as Somerset. Vizion performed for the last time this season and closed with their song "Yes I believe."

If you haven't gotten signed up for camp yet call Teen Quest now 814-444-9500

Or visit us online