Monday, June 27, 2005

Living Like A Zombie

It's kind of weird.

Camp I mean.

A few weeks ago I could have told you the current events. I knew the verdict of the Michael Jackson trial, the latest word from Iraq, and other recent happenings.

Now all that has changed. We are in full swing at camp this summer. It makes me feel kind of like a zombie – not really apart of the “real world.” I couldn't tell you what's happening in the world if my life depended on it. I have no clue who won the NBA championship or how the Pirate's are doing. I haven't seen a weather report in weeks!

But who cares – right? I mean what other job in the country allows you to spend massive amounts of time with hundreds of screaming – crazy – intense – and awesome teenagers?

This week we have several youth groups from Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. Last night TQ kicked off the camp season with a huge camp meeting rally. Our camp speaker Bobby Larew shared Christ with everyone and students were invited to make a decision to follow Jesus.

Right now as I’m writing this the entire camp is at the Alpine Slide just minutes away from the camp.

Keep us in prayer – I know we have teens here who don’t know Christ. Also keep checking this blog for more updates. We are taking the main camp picture tonight and I’ll put it on here ASAP.

Email us and let us know you are praying:

See ya!Joel Witt

Program Director