Friday, July 08, 2005

Board Meeting Held July 6th, 2005


The official board of Teen Quest met Wed July 6th at the Teen Quest Ranch. We had a great time of discussion and voted on several matters.
· Reports were given about the growth of the camping program from last year
· We are pursuing grants, direct mail and special fund raisers to help us bring down our debt load. We have a wonderful volunteer helping with this project
· Two volunteer interns, Tabitha Daniel and Rachael Slonaker, are helping us with graphic arts and public relations this summer.
· Somerset Alliance men have agreed to build our first cabin at the Teen Quest Ranch. Once this cabin is built we will challenge other churches to build identical cabins overlooking our lake.
· A company has agreed to donate a substantial amount of insulation for our buildings at the ranch.
· Local lumber companies have donated lumber helping us complete the lodge and the stable.
· Still trying to sell the property in Mt Pleasant (across from Jimmy Paul’s restaurant) we presently have a church renting from us on the first floor
· Motion was made to pursue a company in Somerset to plan the development of the new sewage treatment plant to be installed next spring. For the past three years we have had roadblocks keeping us from moving forward. We now have the green light to pursue this project.
· Motion was made to pursue a capital campaign called “Reclaiming the Land” to raise the much needed $150,000 to complete the bathrooms in the lodge and build the sewage treatment plant. We will promote this campaign through web sites, brochures, direct mail, our ministry teams, radio and special events.
. Motion was made to hold a fall Round Up at the Teen Quest Ranch Saturday October 1st for families and friends of Teen Quest.